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Hospital bag packing list

What needs to come with you to your birth and what's okay to leave behind.

Especially if this is your first baby, no matter where you are planning to deliver, it can seem pretty overwhelming to think through everything you may need when baby day arrives.

You want to be prepared, but what do you really need to take with you when the time comes? You don't want to bring lots of extra stuff as it will be hard to manage considering you (okay, your significant other) will have to haul everything from the car, to the delivery room, to the recovery room and then back into your car.

I want to help make your big day as smooth as possible so I've compiled a packing list for you of things you will actually need and things that are okay to go ahead and just leave behind.


  • Wallet, ID, and hospital registration 
  • Birth plan 
  • Phones and chargers
  • Camera and camera charger (If you are planning to use something other than your phones)
  • Ear plugs (Rest is so crucial when you can get it during labor and hospitals are incredibly loud, these are helpful to have if you have a long labor and get the opportunity to sleep!) 
  • Relaxing music playlist and headphones
  • Healthy snacks (Now don't go sneaking in a cheese burger during labor but again, if you have a long labor, something light and healthy can make all the difference in giving you a much needed energy boost to help you keep on keeping on!) 
  • Extra pillow from home (Bringing your favorite pillow along can be a real comfort to you and hospitals are usually short on these. Just make sure it has a different pillowcase than the hospital, go with a fun color instead of white so you don't accidently leave it behind.) 
  • Hair ties, chapstick and lotion (Labor often has a funny way of leaving your skin feeling really dry.) 
  • Gum and/or mints (This is crucial, the last thing you need is to smell coffee breath on your significant other while birthing your baby.) 
  • Comfort measures (This looks different for everyone but bringing along an encouraging focal point such as a photo or other things that bring you comfort to focus on can be helpful.) 

Post Labor

  • Your clothes (Remember, comfort is the goal here. Your uterus doesn't go back to pre pregnancy size right away so you'll thank me for telling you to pack stretchy yoga pants and your favorite maternity pajamas.)
  • Comfy panties (The hospital does provide all the mesh panties your postpartum bottom will ever need and those are awesome for your hospital stay but trust me when I say, you will want to go home in your normal ones.)
  • Nursing tank, nursing bra and nursing pads (Even if you don't plan to breastfeed, your milk will more than likely still come in and you'll want to be prepared for that leakage.)
  • Nipple cream (If you do plan to breastfeed this is a must! You will be feeding baby often as you try and figure each other out. As baby works on his/her latch those first few days your nipples are going to need some relief. This will help get your nursing experience off to a good start.)
  • Zip up hoodie or robe (To keep you warm while making it easier to nurse.)
  • Socks with tread or slippers
  • Flip flops (Taking a shower in a hospital without flip flops on your feet will leave you with nightmares and who knows what other nasty stuff for days.) 
  • Extra empty bag (If your other bags are tightly packed you may want to consider bringing along another small bag for stuff the hospital will give you. You will have lots of paper work, extra diapers and gifts family and friends bring you. You may find an extra bag to be really helpful.)

Your Significant Other

Change of clothes (Including pajamas)

  • His own pillow and blanket 
  • Toiletries (Based on personal experience, please do not let him forget his deodorant and toothpaste.) 
  • Snacks, snacks and more snacks (Depending on the time of day you deliver, the hospital cafeteria and nearby restaurants may be closed so snacks can play a critical role in that case.)  
  • Entertainment such as books, magazines, dvds, etc. (Sometimes labor is a long process and he may wish he had these to help pass the time.)


  • Installed car seat
  • Baby gowns (This will keep baby warm but give you easy access when diaper changing. A wizard couldn't even figure out all those snaps on a onesie in the middle of the night when you are that sleep deprived.) 
  • Swaddle blanket (The hospital does have these but they aren't warm or cozy and you'll most likely need one for the car ride home anyway.)
  • Baby nail clippers (Some babies are born with long nails and hospitals don't provide clippers so it's a good idea to bring some along so baby doesn't end up scratching his/her face.) 
  • Going home outfit
  • Diapers and wipes (The hospital does provide these during your stay but I recommend packing a few for the car ride home. Surprise! Newborns poop a lot!) 

Things to leave at home

  • Birthing ball (Hospitals almost always have these on hand if you ask for them but call ahead to the place you plan on delivering just to be sure) 
  • Nursing covers (You are not going to be worried about staying covered while you are working hard to establish feeding with your little one.)
  • Pads (The hospital will provide an endless supply of these.) 
  • Pacifiers (I recommend waiting until you get a good solid week of breastfeeding down together before introducing these to avoid nipple confusion.) 

Don't wait until the last minute to pack. I suggest having everything good to go by 37 weeks. You'll sleep better at night knowing you are prepared. After you've finished packing everything on this list, treat yourself to a prenatal massage and you'll officially be set to welcome your sweet one to the world.