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Birth Stories

One of the things I really love about birth stories is the ability they have to show all of the different variations of normal that childbirth can have. Each birth is so uniquely different from one another, no two are the same, yet all are equally beautiful.

Giving birth is one of the most profound and transformative experiences a mother will ever have. For most mothers, it is normal to talk about the details of their birth experience with others to help them reflect and process but I believe writing out your story helps you reflect and process on an even deeper level. It can help you appreciate things about your birth you wouldn't have otherwise thought about. It can help you to better understand your experience.

If your birth didn't go exactly as planned writing it out can help you come to terms with what actually happened. It can help you let go of possible disappointment of not having the birth you may have wanted and embrace the different but equally beautiful birth you were given. Writing it out helps you heal.

Another reason I really love birth stories is the opportunity they provide to educate others. Did your birth go as you had hoped it would? Share what helped you prepare and why you think things went smoothly. Maybe there were there things you would have done differently? Looking back, maybe there are decisions you would have made differently. That doesn't mean that you failed. The wisdom you gain through your childbirth experience can educate, inspire and encourage other women.

When things don't go as planned we can share what we have learned and be a comfort to or find comfort from other women who may have gone through something similar.

Education gives understanding and confidence. Knowledge about childbirth helps to eliminate fear that too often comes with expecting mothers. Women who experience anxiety during pregnancy and labor are actually more likely to experience labor and delivery complications. I've seen anxiety and fear slow and even completely stop active labor.

My hope is to help normalize birth and eliminate fear and I believe real birth stories are a tool that can help do just that. Think of all the wisdom we can share with one another. Let's forget what we've seen about birth on TV and present real facts. Let's start eliminating that fear that all too often surrounds childbirth and start shifting our perspective. This can all start with a simple birth story.

I am excited to share with you that this coming year we are going to begin a Birth Story Project. I will be kicking off the new year with my own birth story and then we are going to begin sharing guest posts right here on our blog, real birth stories to bring encouragement and inspiration. Each of these babies came into this world with a different story to share. It's going to be such a gift to hear what these mamas have to say and I can't wait to share their stories with you! Stay tuned!